Les cookies (aka Chocolate Chip Cookies)
Ever since arriving in France, I’ve really missed my North American-style chocolate chip cookies. They have cookies here, but they aren’t the same as they are back home. The French biscuits are very much like the British biscuits, hard, crumbly cookies often flavoured plain or with light flavourings like Earl Grey or cardamom. Don’t get me wrong, these are amazing and have their place, but they don’t satisfy my cravings!
The French do attempt the cookies américains, their take on the chocolate chip cookies. I couldn’t say that they are overly amazing. My favourite boulangerie in town makes amazing muffins that remind me so much of a Tim Horton’s chocolate chip muffin, but cookies, not so much. The refilery in town often gets these really nice buckwheat and honey cookies that have chocolate chips and chopped hazelnuts, again, amazing - but not what I want.
Somehow, the French end up making their ‘American cookies’ crumbly and hard like their biscuits. I don’t particularly enjoy this - I want a soft, gooey on the inside, sweet chocolate chip cookie. I still haven’t found one (and don’t have an oven in my apartment to make my own), so I thought I’ll share my recipe with you, so you can make my cookies, and enjoy them on my behalf. Try them out, make them, enjoy them, share them - and let me know how they turn out!
Until next time, happy adventuring!